After an unusually tragic turn of events (read below), Wilda had lost all hope. Her health and hope began to become restored after receiving a grant from OHF, the gofundme account, the trust account and the church drop off was established for her by area REALTORS®.
Our names are Sherri Segler and Debbie Cook.
Our goal is to raise as much money as possible in order to provide Wilda Thornton a modest used travel trailer, a dependable used vehicle and to help replace her medical supplies. We aren’t asking for much, and Wilda hasn’t asked for anything. Her story has impacted our lives, moved us to tears, and motivated us to act on her behalf.
In June 2015, 60 year old Wilda was working as a caregiver to severely mentally and physically challenged individuals, happily married and living with her husband of 33 years in a modest mobile home in Newalla, Oklahoma. Later that month, a routine trip to the doctor began a course of events that would alter her life and thrust her into despair, leaving her destitute.
Wilda’s husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away six weeks later. her daughter brandi moved in to help her distressed mother. In addition to coping with the loss of her father, Brandi had her own problems, recently filing a third VPO on her estranged abusive husband. Mother and daughter, with the help of Wilda’s pets, comforted each other.
In November, while Wilda was at work, Brandi’s violent abusive husband violated a protection order for the last time. Wilda was notified her home was on fire. While extinguishing the fire, the Fire Department discovered Brandi’s lifeless body, along with three lifeless pets amid the burnt wreckage. Brandi’s estranged husband was found walking nearby. He admitted to Brandi’s violent horrific murder and to setting her and the home on fire. (For News story visit: http://kfor.com/2015/11/30/detectives-oklahoma-man-admits-to-stabbing-wife-with-screwdriver-setting-home-on-fire/)
Reeling from the recent loss of her husband, murder of her daughter, loss of her pets, loss of her home, her respiratory equipment and all of her belongings in the fire with nowhere to go emotionally and psychologically distraught, Wilda was forced to sleep in her car. Unable to return to the tragic site, she was subsequently informed that her deceased husband’s and daughter’s vehicles had been stolen. Insurance covered none of the losses.
Still working, alone and penniless, Wilda attempted to find solace not he floor of a relative’s house. She awoke to discover she was covered by multiple flea bites, which later became severely infected. In early April 2016, she was hospitalized with sepsis. After several medical setbacks, including respiratory issues. Wilda remains on IV antibiotics. Hopefully soon, she will be able to transfer to a rehab hospital for a 2-3 week stay.
Unfortunately, when Wilda is finally discharged home from medical facilities, she doesn’t have a home to return to.
Over the past year, Wilda lost her husband, her daughter, her pets, her home, her health and all hope. She is fighting for her survival and recovery, and we are trying to restore her hope. Please help by donating today to this worthy cause. All prayers and donations are greatly appreciated.
To donate go to: https://www.gofundme.com/wildarestorehope
Thank you!!